Monday, March 8, 2021


What is a vexatious buffoon? It's a buffoon alright, but one who knows and relishes being one, to the irritation of those around them.
One who feels ordained to exercise their vexatious nature on the people around them. The more they vex the more they draw satisfaction of having a profound impact. It does not matter the subject or place -they'll run roughshod over others, outshout everyone, ignore advice and wield a massive bolus of negative energy. They are mostly crass, pompous and conceited.

Prominent ones in our society include a certain unsmiling professor to whom we've entrusted the future generation to - he loves issuing edicts that are not only poorly thought out, but also sound and feel like they're designed to cause extreme annoyance. 
Another is a mustached irritant who seems to have arrogated himself the role of a moral policeman and ombudsman to every song, film, advertisement or joke in this our land and nation. He actively courts controversy and any attacks on him only embolden him further. 

How could I forget the exiled and self-styled revolutionary general who bashes and dresses down even those sympathetic to his cause? Vexatious buffoon extraordinaire! 

Internationally, the crown would go to the former TV personality, casino magnate, property guru and golden shower enthusiast, who became a president, only to later leave the office acrimoniously.

Vexatious buffoons are ubiquitous in all cadres of the society -corporate offices, residential neighborhoods, schools, churches, temples, bars, public transportation, government offices, TV shows, WhatsApp groups na kadhalika. 

Easily discernible, they wear that know-it-all countenance, share their 'truths' condescendingly and enjoy destroying opinions shared by others. They revel in getting praises from their contemporaries and superiors. Puffed up and irascible, they require an advanced level of emotional intelligence to tolerate and interact with them.

Some, through concerted efforts by those around them or after finding themselves isolated, have unlearned their reprehensible traits. 

However majority still carry them stoically as a badge of honor, in the mistaken belief that they're martyrs who will get vindicated with the passage of time.

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