Monday, March 8, 2021


Retirees are defiantly going into sexual combat with 25 yr olds, knowing fully well the attendant risks. You'd think the stories of their fellow senior citizens dying during coitus- which have been amplified by the media -would deter their drug-induced lust. But wapi, it seems the mantra is 'I'm going in. If I die, I die!'

The fear of death never stopped many a gallant soldier from going into battle for a cause they believed in. It won't stop an ageing sexual tourist from venturing into the energy-sapping chambers of a nymphomaniac. And that's how natural attrition works. A percentage of the populace is always ambivalent to danger, thus accelerating their death. 

That's why you'll meet people who won't wear masks despite the prevailing risks. That's why a bodaboda guy will cut across a moving truck or train. That's why a pickpocket will take the risk knowing fully well that he could be lynched. That's why some chase that adrenaline rush in high risk activities.

Geriatrics won't stop carvoting with spring chicken. The only practical solution is to beseech their much younger mates to handle the wazee gently. Ensure to know if he has a medical condition, if he's taken his drugs and if the blue pill he's using was endorsed by his doctor. If possible carry a checklist and have him sign an indemnity that protects you from blame in case of any eventuality. But above all handle him with kid gloves. Pamper his ego, even if the strokes are weak and his member semi-turgid, to avoid him seeking performance enhancing substances that are potentially fatal.

Please learn some first aid techniques and ensure to keep some medical emergency numbers, that you can call kikiumana. Instead of fleeing the scene.

Happy humping!

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