Monday, June 21, 2021


 FB algorithm shows you what your friends are saying on pages or groups that you both belong to. And most times it provides for hilarious reads and deeper insights into people’s characters and state of mind. If there’s one place people expose their truest selves, it’s in the comments section of popular pages and groups.

Most people, as expected under normal circumstances, will curate their personal content on their profile with great pictures and carefully, well thought-out posts. After all social media is a marketing platform where we show our best to the world- our thoughts, opinions, our craft and trade, our emotional composure, our aspirations and of course our kids and spouses.
The algorithm means well to try and generate further engagement on common topics, but what amuses me is the unintended consequence. You’ll land on a page will a heated discussion on a topic, such as GBV, climate change, politics, appointment of judges, RAO, WSR, UK, LGBT etc. It is not uncommon to see your regularly disengaged Njeri - who only occasionally posts bible quotes - out there guns blazing, trolling people and unleashing expletives that would impress a West Coast rapper. Or Wafula, ordinarily a polished corporate honcho - fond of posting career and management quotes- discussing foreskins and how their presence obfuscates skills needed for good governance and leadership. Or Mutua, who just enjoys the violence and will be found replying to comments with emojis and tagging others to come ‘finish’ the commenter!
If your work is to do background checks on individuals, whether for recruitment or for business, you are well advised to camp in the comments sections and wait for your quarry there. They’ll shortly be there with their half-baked anti-vaxxer drivel!


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